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Know Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Three Times Per Day

 Know Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Three Times Per Day?

  • The first time after waking up.
  • In the middle of the day after lunch.
  • The third time before bed, and this is very important.

What is tooth brushing? 

It is the process of brushing and "washing" the teeth and gums from the remnants of food and drinks that lead to staining of the teeth and increased bacterial activity in the mouth, and thus the occurrence of decay and bad breath, where the symptoms of gum problems begin.

Times of brushing

  • The optimal time of brushing is three times per day after males.
  • The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice each day with a soft-bristled toothbrush using ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. You should also clean between your teeth once each day (such as by flossing). 

  • The first time after waking up.
  • In the middle of the day after lunch.
  • The third time before bed, and this is very important.

Explanation of the importance of brushing teeth three times a day.

  • The first time after waking up.

Explanation why?

When the mouth is dry during sleep, allows the bacteria the appropriate conditions that help them to ferment the rest of the food, which results in an unpleasant odor and inflammation in the gums, so washing after waking up is very important to get rid of or reduce bacterial activity and refresh the mouth.

Question: Should I brush my teeth immediately after waking up or after breakfast?

If breakfast is after waking up for one to two hours, wash after breakfast to achieve an additional advantage, which is to remove the rest of the breakfast food with the wake-up wash.

  • The second time

In the middle of the day after lunch, Why?

Lunch is often full of carbohydrates and sugars, which stick to the teeth after eating, which forms a suitable and ideal environment for bacterial activity.

  • Washing after lunch limits this activity. 
  • Also, the mouth is cleaned of any residue or anything unhealthy during the period from morning until lunch, which ensures good oral health and the achievement of proper health standards.

  • The third time before bed, and this is a very important Explanation of why? 

Saliva contains natural antibiotics that reduce bacterial activity and create a balance in the mouth, in addition to that saliva, along with the movement of the tongue and cheeks during speech, does a natural mouthwash, so the presence of saliva in normal quantity is very important in maintaining oral health. 

When sleeping, the salivary glands stop secreting saliva, and thus the mouth loses a basic advantage, which is the control over bacterial activity in the mouth.

 Therefore, we recommend washing the mouth before bedtime more than others, because it removes the remaining materials of carbohydrates and sugars on the teeth and between the teeth, and thus there is nothing for the bacteria to ferment, and then it will not It has an effect on oral health It is also preferable, after washing, to use a rinse that contains antibacterial and refreshing substances for the mouth.

Arranging the most important times to wash.

  •  The most important time is before going to sleep.
  •  Which follows after breakfast.
  • The next and last one is in the middle of the day after lunch.

 There are also exceptional cases of mouthwash, which are additional cases such as:

  • If you want to go to sleep during the day, you should wash your mouth, for the reasons we talked about.
  • If you eat it, it sticks to your teeth Such as chocolate, sweets, and other foods that contain very high levels of sticky sugars and carbohydrates.

What are the factors that increase or decrease bacterial activity in the mouth?

first what is the bacterial activity?

  bacterial activity is reliable for

  •  causing bad breath by fermenting leftovers in the mouth.
  • Tooth decay by removing calcium as a result of acid secretions produced by bacteria. 
  • Gum diseases, gum infections, gingival abscesses, mouth ulcers, and others.
  • Reducing bacterial activity reduces all these diseases.

Contributing factors that increase or decrease bacterial activity in the mouth depends on three main factors:

1-The bacteria itself depends on the effect of the bacteria on 

  • the bacterial number. 
  • bacterial ferocity. 
  • Bacterial secretions or bacterial toxins.

2-Environmental conditions were suitable for bacterial activity.

  • Body immunity As we said, saliva contains antibodies that reduce bacterial activity.
  • The food they feed on is the presence of carbohydrates and sugars in the mouth.
  • The more they are present in the mouth, the greater the bacterial activity, because carbohydrates and sugars are the main food for bacteria.
  • The amount of saliva secreted by the salivary gland.
  • the higher the amount of saliva, the lower the bacterial activity, and this is because it contains natural antibacterials, in addition, the saliva itself works to wash the mouth, which reduces the presence of carbohydrates and sugars in the mouth, thus reducing bacterial activity.
  • The amount of saliva is directly responsible for oral health Because it washes and moisturizes the mouth killing harmful bacteria because it contains natural antibiotics.
  • A continuous and permanent source of nutrition for the teeth, as it contains a number of nutrients for the teeth, such as calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals necessary for the teeth.
  • Moisturizing the mouth and preventing ulcers that occur as a result of dry friction of the mouth organs.

3-The target of the bacteria.

  • It is the gums.
  • the teeth themselves.
  • intra-oral tissues.

The only reason that causes a disease is the combination of all three factors simultaneously.

In the sense that there are no bacteria in a number that allow an infection to occur on the surface of the teeth or in the gums, with the presence of carbohydrates or sugars that help them cause great harm.

If we can control one of these factors, there will be no harm or bacterial infection in the mouth.

  • We can never prevent bacteria from the mouth, as it is not possible to sterilize the mouth, as bacteria are necessary and also important in the mouth.
  • We cannot remove the target that bacteria target, which is the gums or teeth.

  • It also occurs through the weakening of the body’s immunity, which allows the bacteria to multiply and spread. 
  • If all factors are under control and the only problem is weak immunity, gum disease and tooth decay may occur, but at a lower rate than if the patient does not care about oral health procedures.


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