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How You Brush Your Teeth According to Scientific Facts and Studies

how you brush your teeth according to scientific facts and studies.

What is tooth brushing?

It is the process of brushing and "washing" the teeth and gums from the remnants of food and drinks that lead to staining of the teeth and increased bacterial activity in the mouth, and thus the occurrence of decay and bad breath, where the symptoms of gum problems begin.

Goals of brushing

  • Teeth brushing removes all debris, remaining foods, and stains from drinks after males.
  • Also lowering the number and activity of oral microorganisms.
  • Brushing your teeth effectively lowers your chances of getting a host of chronic diseases and keeps your teeth and gums healthy. But the majority of us are doing it wrong, so learn how you do it correctly.

A Toothbrush design

A straight brush is the one generally preferred, it offers. an overall efficiency to all parts of the mouth.

The desirable qualities of a toothbrush are: "criteria of selection" 

  • Manmade bristles of about 0.4mm thick x 12mm long. 2. Firm and resilient bristles with rounded and polished ends.
  • Short head with flat brushing surface (2.5x0.5cm) to permit access to all Surfaces of the teeth.
  • Multitufted 2 or 3 rows of separate bundles of bristles. This allows the hairs to enter quickly into the embrasures and in the depth of the fissures.
  • Able to remove plaque from teeth.

Criteria of the best toothbrush

  • Easy handling with maximum control.
  • unique tapered bristles that flex and reach deep between teeth to remove plaque and debris.
  • Made of approved material.
  • Reach to all parts of the mouth.
  • Biocompatible with the oral cavity.
  • The brush part should be soft.

Types of toothbrush

Electrical toothbrush

  • Offers mechanical aid and less manual effort.
  • it is recommended in the case of disabled individuals.

Ionic toothbrush

  • A manual toothbrush that removes dental plaque not only mechanically, but mainly with ionic action.

Theory of action

  • The plaque has a positive charge, so it clings to our negatively charged teeth.
  • one toothbrush changes the charge of the tooth surface from negative to positive, so the tooth will reject the plaque from its surface, which will be attracted to the bristles of the brush.

What is the best toothbrush on the market today?


What is toothpaste?

  • A dentifrice is a substance used with a toothbrush to remove bacterial plaques and debris from the teeth surfaces for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes.
  • It contains a drug or chemical agent added for a specific preventive or treatment action.
  • The best so far are those containing fluorides as they can be of significant anticaries value when routinely used.

Qualities( criteria of best toothpaste) 

  1. Acceptable taste.
  2. Acceptable flavor.
  3. Acceptable color.
  4. Acceptable consistency.
  5. Shouldn't be harmful with prolonged use.
  6. It shouldn't negatively affect oral tissue and tongue tastes.

Components of toothpaste

  •  Detergent 1-2%. 
  • Cleaning and polishing agents 20_40%. 
  • Binder (thickener) 1_2%.
  • Humectant 20_40%.
  • Flavoring agent 1_1.5%.
  • Water 20_40%.
  • Therapeutic agent 1_2%.
  • Preservative, sweetener, and coloring agent 2_3%.

The compounds most commonly used are

  1. Stannous fluoride (causes tooth discoloration).
  2. Sodium fluoride e.g.(Crest, Close up). 
  3. Sodium monofluorophoshphate(MFP) e.g Colgate, signal 2.
  4. Amino fluoride (not commercially available)

what are the types of best-marketing toothpaste?

Tooth brushing techniques

1-Rotation or roll method

  • Divide each half jaw into 3 regions (anterior-middle-posterior)
  • Apply twist motion on the buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. 
  • Bristles rest on the alveolar mucosa pointing away from occlusal surfaces. 
  • Maintain pressure and roll across the gingiva towards occlusal
  • Repeat 10 times in each region.
  • 6- Brush occlusal surfaces with to and fro action. 
  • 7-Hold brush vertically for lingual surfaces of upper and lower incisors.

2-Fone's method

  • Recommended for young children
  • Teeth are put into occlusion.
  • Apply circular motion on the teeth' outer surfaces without twisting the handle.

How to Brush Your Teeth (How to apply rotation method).

  • Apply a thin strip of toothpaste on your premoistened toothbrush.
  • Start with the upper left molars (back teeth) concentrating on the front surface of the tooth; you will be working in a clockwise direction from there. The average toothbrush head will cover 2 to 3 teeth at a time.
  • Hold the toothbrush parallel to your teeth, and point the bristles in the direction of the tissue, so they are resting slightly below the gumline. Apply slight pressure to the bristles, so they are slightly bent.
  • Gently move the brush in a circular motion for approximately 20 brush strokes or roughly 10 seconds.
  • When brush strokes are complete, roll the bristles away from the gum tissue in a sweeping motion.
  • Continue the above steps until all of the front surfaces of the top and bottom teeth have been cleaned.
  • Moving on to the inside surfaces of the teeth, repeat steps 2 to 5 for the upper and lower premolars and molars.
  • When you are ready to clean the inside surface of the front teeth, known as the lingual surface, take the tip of the toothbrush, and in a flicking motion, direct the toothbrush from the gum line down. Do this 2 to 3 times.
  • Follow step 8 for the inside of the lower front teeth, but this time the flick will be directed up, again, away from the gum line. Do this 2 to 3 times.
  • Brush the biting surface of the upper and lower premolars and molars.
  • Gently brush your tongue and the inside of your cheeks.

Times of brushing

  • The optimal time of brushing is three times per day after males.
  • The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice each day with a soft-bristled toothbrush using ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. You should also clean between your teeth once each day (such as by flossing). 

  1. The first time after waking up. 
  2. In the middle of the day after lunch. 
  3. The third time before bed, and this is very important.

Discover why those particular times for brushing? 


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